Customs Clearance

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Aero Freight Nepal Pvt. Ltd. offers superior hassle free customs clearance services quality services to its valuable costumers.  It involves preparation and submission of documentations required to facilitate client’s export or imports into the country, representing client during customs examination, assessment, payment of duty. We have appointed best/ highly experienced Customs clearance agents nationwide / internationally in major Airport/s / Dry ports / Seaports. With the quality service from our Customs clearance agents our customers are able to do their business hassle freely and easily.   Customs clearance Laws may be  a bit different from country to country, sometimes from port to port within a country. Making someone who specializes in customs clearance and have knowledge of national and international law is very important to a shipper / exporter / importer and our clients to get the job done in the right manner.
Please give us a call +977 1 4701576 or E-mail us at [email protected] / [email protected] for the cost and services.

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